Angry Birds for PC free Download


App Details

APP Name
Angry Birds Classic
Rovio Entertainment Corporation
Game, Puzzle
Last Updated
Apr 11, 2019
4.1 and up

Download Angry Birds Classic

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Steps to Download Angry Birds Classic on PC?

To Download Angry Birds Classic on PC, You would need an Android Emulator. In this case, we are recommending LDPlayer. It is famous Emulator that supports all versions of Windows.

Step 1: First Download LDPlayer from above link only.

Step 2: Now Install LDPlayer App on your PC. It will take few minutes to run it.

Step 3: Open LDPlayer Emulator and Login with your Google Account.

Step 4: After this, Open Google Play Store and Search for Angry Birds Classic.

Step 5: Click Install button and let it Download & Install.

By following these 5 Steps, you can easily Run Angry Birds Classic on your PC. There is one more way to use this app on Windows which we are going to discuss now.

Steps to Install Angry Birds Classic on PC via APK?

To Install Angry Birds Classic on PC using APK File, you first need to Download its official APK file. Make sure to Download APK from original source like Google play store. After this, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download any Android emulator of your choice. LDPlayer is one of most Popular. You can Download and Install it from above.

Step 2: Open LDPlayer and you can skip sign in process here. We are using APK File of Angry Birds Classic directly.

Step 3: Now Drag and Drop Angry Birds Classic APK File onto bluestacks and Install it.

Step 4: Install Angry Birds Classic App and Open. You are done!

NOTE: We don't store any copyrighted apps or games on our Servers. We are guiding our users on how they can run Play Store apps using emulators. If you still have any problem with specific App/Game then contact us and we will try to resolve it.