Avadon: The Black Fortress PC Free Download Full Version

TitleAvadon: The Black Fortress
Developer(s)Spiderweb Software
Publisher(s)Spiderweb Software
Release DateAug 17, 2011
Size154.52 MB
GenrePC > Indie, RPG
Avadon: The Black Fortress Game

Avadon: The Black Fortress is a classic role-playing game (RPG) developed by Spiderweb Software and released in 2011. Set in a world of darkness, magic, and political intrigue, Avadon offers players an immersive and captivating experience that will keep them hooked for hours on end.

Avadon: The Black Fortress Screenshot 1

The Story

The game is set in the land of Lynaeus, a place filled with danger and uncertainty. The rulers of Lynaeus, known as the Black Fortress, have immense political and military power that they use to maintain order and protect the people from external threats.

But the stability of the land is threatened when you, the player, are recruited as one of the Hand of Avadon – an elite group of spies, warriors, and diplomats who serve the Black Fortress. As a new Hand, you must navigate through political rivalries, protect the people from internal threats, and unravel various mysteries and conspiracies that threaten the very existence of Avadon.

Avadon: The Black Fortress Screenshot 2


Avadon: The Black Fortress features an old-school RPG gameplay style that will be familiar to fans of the genre. You have the option to create a custom character or choose one of the pre-made characters with unique abilities and backgrounds. Your actions and decisions throughout the game will have consequences, affecting the outcome of the story and the relationships you form with other characters.


The combat system in Avadon is turn-based, with each character having a set number of action points per turn. You can choose from a variety of weapons, spells, and other abilities to defeat your enemies. The game also has a tactical element, where you can position your characters strategically on the battlefield for an advantage.


One of the major aspects of Avadon is exploration. You can travel through different regions of Lynaeus, each with their own unique landscapes, creatures, and challenges. The game also features hidden dungeons and secret areas that you can discover by completing quests or solving puzzles.

Quests and Reputation

As a member of the Hand of Avadon, you will be given various quests to complete, ranging from simple tasks to complex missions. Completing quests will earn you experience points, gold, and reputation points. Your reputation with different factions and characters will affect how they interact with you and can even open up new quest opportunities.

Avadon: The Black Fortress Screenshot 3

Graphics and Sound

Avadon may not have the most advanced graphics, but it makes up for it with its detailed and hand-drawn artwork. The game’s retro-style visuals enhance the nostalgic feeling of playing a classic RPG. The music and sound effects also add to the immersive atmosphere of the game.


Overall, Avadon: The Black Fortress is a well-crafted RPG that will appeal to both old-school and modern RPG players. Its engaging story, challenging gameplay, and rich world make it a must-play for any fan of the genre. So, gather your party and get on an adventure of a lifetime in the world of Avadon.

“Avadon is a fantasy game of epic proportions. It’s reminiscent of Ultima, World of Warcraft as well as other classic RPGs.”

System Requirements

  • Operating system:Windows® XP / Vista™ / Windows® 7
  • Processor:1.6 GHz CPU
  • Memory:512 MB
  • Hard disk space:300MB
  • Video: OpenGL compliant graphics card
  • Sound:Sound card

How to Download

  1. Click on the "Download" button above to start the download process.
  2. Once the download is complete, locate the installer file in your computer's downloads folder.
  3. Double-click on the installer file to open it.
  4. A security prompt may appear, click "Yes" or "Run" to allow the installation process to continue.
  5. Follow the instructions on the installation wizard to proceed with the installation.
  6. Choose the desired installation location for the game.
  7. Click "Next" to begin the installation.
  8. The installation process may take a few minutes to complete.
  9. Once the installation is finished, click "Finish" to close the wizard.
  10. The game is now successfully installed on your computer.